In the series of works "Born in the Ocean", I try to convey the feeling of the life force that permeates our planet and gives it constant transformation. Thus, the series of works "Born in the Ocean" is an attempt to recreate the tectonic movements that contributed to the creation of our diverse world.
In the series of works "Born in the Ocean", I try to convey the feeling of the life force that permeates our planet and gives it constant transformation. Thus, the series of works "Born in the Ocean" is an attempt to recreate the tectonic movements that contributed to the creation of our diverse world.
The processes of Birth and Disappearance, the emergence of a new cyclicity were reflected in silicate grains. These are the fleeing Waters that bring the Solar Wind crystals to us and inspire the World Ocean with Water.
In my search, I use various organic materials such as alabaster and glues, resins to create a visual experience reminiscent of evolution and constant movement. Each picture has its own, unique shape and structure, reflects natural processes and the interaction of elements.
The uniqueness of the works is their crystalline ability to grow and change over time, the painting transforms and gains the strength of stone.
With these works, I want to emphasize that there is nothing more valuable than the preservation of a clean planet, which only we humans, Born in the Ocean, can provide...